Ready for your dream adventure? We're excited to help!

Work with us

traditional wedding packages

Timeless Unforgetable Moments Captured Forever

Wedding Packages

Capturing the special moments of your special day.


- 8 Hours of coverage
- 2 Photographers
- 400+ Hi-Res images
- 1 Week Previews
- Print Release
- Online Gallery for Instant Download
- Client Guide
- Custom Timeline Guidance
- 60% off Engagement Session




- 8 Hours of coverage
- 2 Videographers
- 5+ Min Highlight Video
- Cinematic Ceremony Cut
- Speeches Cut
- Drone Footage
-Online Delivery for Instant Download



"Essentials Package"

- 8 Hours of coverage
- 1 Photographer + 1 Videographer
- 400+ Hi-Res images
- 1 Week Previews
- 5+ Min Highlight Video
- Drone Footage
- Print Release
- Online Gallery for Instant Download
- Client Guide
- Custom Timeline Guidance
- 60% off Engagement Session

photo + video

photo + video

"Ultimate Package"

Essentials Package PLUS:

- Additional
1 Photographer & 1 Videographer (4 people total)

- Full Cinematic Ceremony Cut 

- Full Speeches Cut

Inquire Now

Add Ons:

Additional Creatives

Photographer or videographer (8 hours) 

Additional Coverage

 photo / video (2 people)

 photo / video (4 People)

"Documentary" film edit

additional day coverage (up to 3 hours coverage)

ceremony cut

speeches cut

1 photographer and 1 videographer (8 hours)









Film Add Ons


what is your photography/videography style?

Our main objective when shooting weddings is to accurately and honestly capture the day as close to the vision that you have. Weddings take a lot of planning, preparation, and thought to nail every detail so you can celebrate your relationship the way you intend. We understand this and therefore endeavor to beautifully capture all of the important details and moments as authentically as we can. We try to strike a balance between being hands on when need be and being a "fly on the wall" to document real moments as they come.  

how many images do we get?

When it comes to delivering your images, we guarantee a minimum of 50 retouched images per hour of coverage. That means for a typical 8 hour wedding package we will deliver at least 400 images. 

The minimum however is just a fraction of what we often deliver. We do not withhold quality images to our couples and will end up delivering all of the images that meet our standard of quality.

Do you carry backup equipment?

The safety of your images/footage is of the upmost concern and importance to us. As such we follow the "industry standard" that couples expect when booking a professional. All of our cameras write data simultaneously on two cards so there are copies of everything. We also carry a number of different cameras and lenses in the event one were to break or malfunction we can quickly switch to an alternative. 

At the end of the wedding we back up everything onto a hard drive and afterwards that hard drive is backed up on a paid cloud storage so we have them saved in multiple locations for peace of mind.

do you deliver raw photos or videos?

Typically we DO NOT deliver raw images/footage. There are a few reasons for this. Mainly it has to do with quality standards and representation of our work and our brand. When examining raw images/clips you'd notice colors aren't perfect, angles and composition aren't fixed, certain shots would be unflattering, etc... We take pride in our work and want to produce the best final product we possibly can. As such the raws are just that raw and need to be corrected. Not only would you desire to have the best images/video, we also wouldn't want unfinished work of ours circulating that is not a real representation of our artist ability.

are all of the photos edited?

what is a ceremony or speeches cut?

can we request certain shots?

how do we book with you?

All of the images we deliver are re-touched. What we mean by this is that we correct the colors, adjust the images to make them straight, crop as necessary, set the exposure, and do basic correction for blemishes or imperfections. 

Our packages don't include more extensive photo editing that require a lot more work such as removing an item from a set of images or recomposing the body etc... More time consuming editing can be requested and are subject to additional charges per image.

A ceremony or speech cut is a separate video delivered to you that shows that section of the day start to finish in real time. Meaning you can rewatch your ceremony and/or toasts completely.

When filming for this we use multiple cameras so that during editing and putting together the film we can cut between different shots to create a more cinematic final product.

Absolutely! As part of our planning process we ask you to provide any inspiration images or clips you'd like for us to try and capture. We do our best to include them whenever possible. Be aware that there are many circumstances and logistical considerations that have to be taken into account when trying to achieve a specific shot, some of which might not be possible during the actual day of the wedding. We will collaborate with you to get as close to your vision as we can as long as it is feasible. 

The booking process is straight forward and easy. Once you've decided on your package and want to make it official we send over a contract to collect your signature. Afterwards you'll be redirected to make your retainer payment. And that's it. You're officially booked with us and on our calendar. Then the fun of planning begins!